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chop out中文是什么意思

用"chop out"造句"chop out"怎么读"chop out" in a sentence


  • 地层等突然露出


  • During the earth tremor a large piece of rock chopped out of the ground
  • Companies happily chopped out layers of managers during the 1990s ; now people are likely to repay them by moving to the highest bidder
  • His colleague , michael beer , says that far too many companies have applied re - engineering in a mechanistic fashion , chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long - term profitability
  • His colleague , michael beer , says that far too many companies hae applied re - engineering in a mechanistic fashion , chopping out costs without giing sufficient thought to long - term profitability
  • His colleague , michael beer , says that far too many companies have applied re - engineering in a mechanistic fashion , chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long - term profitability
  • His colleague , michael beer , says that far too many companies have applied re - engineering in a mechanistic fashion , chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long - term profitability
  • His colleague , michael beer , says that far too many companies have applied re - engineering in a mechanistic fashion , chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long - term profitability
  • The tuple supported accessing elements in the sequence using index notation , chopping out elements from the sequence using slices , and creating new tuples using a specific slice or by adding together different slices
用"chop out"造句  


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